You think sometimes: why one always lucky, while others are still fail? Why are some people lucky, succeed in life, occupying high positions, have a good family, travel, and other eke out a miserable existence from paycheck to paycheck, have problems in personal life and at work?

No one knows exactly why this is happening. But already in ancient times people have found a way to improve their fate, discovers the amulets and talismans – special accessories and items, endowed with a special power.
An Amulet that brings good luck you can buy it, you can do it with my hands or order the production by the professionals individually under each other. About the strongest and most effective mascots of happiness will be discussed in this article.
The strongest amulets and talismans, bringing good luck and success
How to operate amulets and talismans for good luck and wealth
- The Amulet attracts favorable circumstances, the right people, good events;
- Career moves up into the hills, at work to notice you;
- Fate threw you in with the wrong people and form a new, successful environment;
- In business to succeed, trading is becoming a lucrative offer convenient, customers are attracted;
- Appears internal magnetism, you find it difficult to refuse, in humans call sympathy;
- To fulfill the wish, which he could not long to come;
- Circumstances always add up beneficial, disputes and courts in your favor;
- With an amulet of luck, to easily pass the exams, interview and so on;
- Increases happiness, you can play the lottery, gamble and so on, the Person becomes "happiness";
- People are attracted to the wearer of an amulet of luck, his understanding, is always a lot of friends, assistants, known. A person popular. They are made up of useful communication.
However, the happiness carries with it the danger that the person they envy, and therefore, should take care and about how to have an amulet against the evil eye and spoilage.
The "hand of luck"
The "hand of luck", "Hand of Fatima", "the Amulet Amateurs" – these are all names of powerful talisman, made in the form of a palm with the pictured symbols. The Guardian not only brings good luck in business matters, but also protects a person from negative effects. Zika lucky you can hang in the house, you can carry it with you, it is possible to place on the job, in the career of the always celebrated success. Palm often depict the body in the form of a tattoo.
The red thread of Israel on the left wrist
The red thread of Israel – it is a powerful guardian that protects, brings luck, attract good luck. The red yarn are sold at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Before this big skein of yarn belongs to the tomb of Rachel – the mother of all jews. Performing a certain ritual, a special people cut the skein on the small strings, which they sell to all interested parties.

Imperial amulet for luck and wealth
Imperial amulet is made from coins. This talisman more for luck in the field of finance. Especially recommend it for purchase to those who do business, whose work is associated with the sale, the services of the helena store. Amulet of the imperial coins to protect from the downside of transactions, will help to attract customers and customers, help the business thrive and bring large profits.
The slavic amulets lucky
Slavs always wears amulets at each other. To together happiness, they painted the symbols on the clothes, the houses, worn pendants. Basic talismans happiness of the slavs – it's a snake, the symbol type and other. Today the followers of the slavic traditions wear amulets, usually made of metal, but the ancients often used for the production of the tree. The slavic amulets for good luck and well-being, that you can make yourself or buy in a specialty store.
Runes: amulets lucky
Runes – the characters that are burdened with a certain sense. These amulets are popular in different nations. The runes help to achieve material happiness, stability, to attract good fortune, grant wishes. Use these runes you can independently helena as part of the rune formulas – when several run is displayed together.
Tibetan amulet lucky
This talisman will "catch the tail of luck". It is again the happiness of the face and help you to be at the right time at the right place. Thanks to him, will greatly increase the chances of winning the lottery, casino, cards, etc. Like a magnet they will attract each other good circumstances and happy cases. A man always and in all luck. In addition, this symbol is also an amulet of health.
Horseshoe – probably the best known symbol of good luck and happiness. Amulet in the shape of a horseshoe it is possible to stay in the house through the entrance door (horns down), helena carry it with you. Some even make a tattoo with this dolphin.
Four-leaf clover – another popular mascot, lucky. According to legend, luck, happiness and success attend the person who found the lucky clover. You can go in search of a miraculous plant (that you should be doing on the night of Ivan Kupala), and it is possible to wear a talisman with the image, helena keyring in the shape of a clover with four petals.
Not only because of the fairy tale believed that the goldfish is able to fulfill wishes. In China it has goldfish are considered a symbol of good luck, happiness, wealth. Therefore, very often in the house of chinese people you can meet aquarium with these beautiful creatures. If put in the house is an aquarium options not, then hanging the paintings with the image of goldfish helena alone figurines.
Alice's rabbit hole bead – an amulet of luck indians

This unusual subject is considered to be an amulet of luck in many countries and from the East and the West. The tradition to wear on the neck hanging from the rabbit's paws went from the indians of North America. There this charm is considered a symbol of prosperity and happiness. He believed that the most powerful amulet will be made of the left hind paw of the rabbit, captured the cemetery at night. Wear the amulet should be on the neck of the helena to keep him at home. And entrepreneurs advised to put into the left pocket of his jacket.
Golden key
All the stories have a real basis. So, the golden key an ulterior motive appeared in the product Va Tolstogo. Key a long time ago was a powerful magical object. Right out of luck key, made in the color of gold, helena silver, is able to open any door, the guide man on the path of good luck and well-being. In addition, the key – is it a symbol of power and wealth, which is why many politicians and big businessmen often gather the whole collection of keys.
Cat's eye
Cat's eye – stone, ordinary of its owner insight, the ability to anticipate events, to feel, to monitor the failure and take timely measures. This stone wears psychics and mages, in the hope that they strengthen their skills. In addition, the amulet for lucky cat with an eye will become a reliable protection from unscrupulous partners, jealous friends, enemies and critics. Talisman protecting from theft, help you preserve and increase capital.
Elephant – the amulet of the stable happiness
Elephant – a symbol of a stable success, a good career, good luck in all matters and monetary well-being. You can carry a small mascot in the form of this animal, you can give the figurines at home, you can hang a picture of an elephant. But it is important to note that the trunk he should be facing up, but the animal to be alert and healthy. Give the paint an elephant it is recommended on the south-east of the dwelling. If he put the muzzle to the window – it will draw good luck, and if put on the muzzle into the house – will help to keep the available positions.
Ladybug in many countries is a symbol of good luck and the patronage of heaven. A long time people believed that this small insect mediator between God and men. It is believed that if you whisper to the ear of god ladybug their wishes – it will surely come true. An Amulet of luck in the form of god ladybug you can carry with you always, helena borrow for particularly important activities to increase your chances of success. In addition, it is still and is the mascot for a happy love.
Japanese amulet good luck
The most famous japanese amulet good luck – it's an omamori. It represents a fabric pouch, into which are inserted the message of the gods. As amulets they wear with you in your wallet helena pockets, hanging in homes, offices, cars. It is believed that a person who has an omamori, to be successful, talented, happy and rich.
Chinese amulets for good luck
Popular in China the teachings of feng-shui is largely determined by the lives of ordinary chinese people. To become more successful, they often use amulets for money and luck.
- One of the most famous symbols – coins, tied with red thread. They are a magnet for financial success, help to strengthen and maintain wealth.
- One more chinese amulet wealth God Hotei. Fulfill the desires, brings good luck and happiness.
- Ducks Mandarin – a symbol of happiness in personal life, luck, opportunities and happiness.

Spiral lucky
Spiral – a symbol of constant movement, good luck and cash flow. It is a symbol of condensed energy, which accumulates all the strength and power processes in the universe. Mascot in the form of a spiral, as shown on the gold course – increases the attractiveness for people, improving leadership skills, contributes to the rise of the career ladder, provides a layout of the superiors. The image on the silver helena white subject will help you to implement in your own reality, become an independent and confident leader.
How to make an amulet for happiness with his own hands: 10 ways to
Amulet for happiness can be bought, but you can make your hands in the home, there is nothing complicated. We offer a few simple ways.
Amulet of luck from the wax
Simple to manufacture, but very effective, will the amulet of the church wax candles. If you want to, it is necessary to take a wax candle, look at her for a minute, and ask, from the bottom of my heart to bring happiness and success. Then it is necessary to drip the wax on a flat surface, and when they harden, gently peel off and put on a slice of natural fabric. The Amulet can be worn with you always, helena borrow only if will need luck.
Happy talisman of coins
To make the talisman of the coin, should be on the growing moon to perform a simple ritual: putting a coin in the colors of silver into the water so that the water affected by the moon. And talk:
As the water the moon is filled with, so my life is happiness and wealth replenished.
The coin is necessary to leave in water overnight, in the morning put in a purse, helen to for her red bag.
Doll-amulet for happiness
Amulets in the form of dolls were popular with the slavs. How to make yourself a mascot watch the video-master-class.
Lucky dollar
Take the banknotes in denominations of one dollar. Take his triangle and put in your wallet – so you attract success in business and financial well-being.

Amulet of the thread
Take five natural yarn unpainted and one red thread. If the red thread color in the middle. Tie 5 knots says:
The first nodule knit – hassle take, the second – the protection of the mountain, the third naúplet – yourself wealth a reward, the fourth for happiness, and the fifth – seal.
Amulet of the yarn should be stored away from prying eyes.
Mascot silver things
Silver has the ability to attract money and luck. You can talk to some silver thing – a ring, bracelet, helena earrings and she becomes a talisman of good luck. For that you have to put something in the water on the night from Wednesday to Thursday and ask from now on will attract happy circumstances and money.
Embroidery and knitting
You can connect the helena embroidered guardian, if they have the ability to sew. You can view the runes helena slavic characters. Better to use natural fabrics – linen or cotton. The fibers must be red, and also natural. At work the mood should be nice and health too.
Pouch luck
Amulet in the form of a small case with a particular content can be done with his own hands. Give him maybe a little bit of grain, coins of gold color, decoration, a bit of sugar, drops of wax church candles. Bag should be canvas, and bandage it should be red thread.
The lucky charm of favorite things
For each of us there are things, which, in particular, road heart. Of such things a great talisman for good luck, because he already has the energy feedback to its owner.
Stones, amulets for good luck
- Jasper. One of the most powerful amulets that bring good luck, it is jasper. This stone has a powerful energy that it shared with its owners, will reward him as useful characteristics, such as courage, the ability to get along with people, be careful, and not get involved in shady business.
- Another powerful stone-a talisman of luck – it's sapphire. Decoration with sapphire happens to the amulet, attractive money and success in life. But it is better to stone was in the white golden helen silver.
- Cat's eye – not only attract luck but also protects against the evil eye and slander. It is recommended to have this stone of a successful and secured the people, who are often jealous.
- Ruby. Is it energetically powerful stone that will help you succeed even in this difficult reality. In particular, it is necessary to have him sign the fire element – Lions, Aries, Sagittarius.

Conspiracy amulets for good luck
Amulets and talismans it is possible to talk about your happiness to yourself, helena attributed to the professionals for the organization of a special ritual. It is possible to ask for a thing from a pure heart, will help you and activate the amulet. Helena made use of any conspiracy.
The activation of the amulet
To activate the talisman yourself, you can use a simple ritual. To help you come to the four elements. Take a little bit of country, a saucer with water, open the window and light the wax candle. Give your amulet first, into the ground and ask her to help you attract good luck. Then put on a few minutes in the water and ask for help element, then dry out the amulet over a candle and hold a little air, honey the same, and asked them for help. Then the amulet will be charged, and will start working in full force.