Aimed at great luck amulets are widespread throughout the world. As charms made from various materials — stone, clay or wood. Every resident of a certain municipality carried with me such a mascot. This made his efforts successful. As amulets for good luck has not lost its relevance even today.

What is the mascot exactly bring good luck
Every man needs at least a small fraction of the happiness to every day, to the events developed well and hopeful. With the mascot achieve success much easier. It can appear in a person's life thanks to a few events.
- Needed the guardian can be the owner's completely random. Very often these items they find on the street, not far from home, at work. Absolutely any subject can become happy.
- It is possible to purchase the right mascot. They are sold in stores that specialize in such things.
- The best choice is considered, if you an amulet for lucky hand. These items have a more intense energy.
Happy findings
Items found randomly on the street, they can throw you. As guardianamu are the gifts of nature — small interesting stones, shells, unusual shape, plants.
The most famous plant that is able to bring success, is clover. But only one kind of plant can bring good luck — the one on which the 4 petal.
If a person is lucky enough to find such a gift of nature, it is definitely worth it to preserve it. The petals of the clover often placed on the bracelets for good luck. Their poured into a glass or epoxy resin, after which the formed bead. This mascot is very compact, but powerful. Bracelets play the role of decoration.
A good feature are the findings of coins, in particular, in the case that are not typical for the region, in which it appeared. If the year of issue of the coin matches the date of birth of the person, the guardian will be even more effective, but as amulets for great luck require further action with them. Coins require cleaning with water or by fire for the exemption from the energy of the previous host.
Home amulets
A very common group of guardians — it's an amulet for happiness with his own hands. They can be of different shapes and sizes — from small and invisible, up to the bright and eccentric.
It all depends on the purpose and theme of the production. Slavic old amulets for good luck, which usually contain ancient runes, which have a great influence on the human energy field.
If a person has no experience in creating magic items, it is not necessary to immediately launch complex techniques. This can lead to failure. Better to try something simple and gradually develop. Then Happiness never was man aside.
Link bracelet happiness
One of the most common amulets — it's a bracelet made of several elements. It is simple to produce, but its effectiveness is undeniable. Amulets in the form of bracelets for attracting happiness were common in scandinavians. They believed that even the simplest bond is able to bring happiness for the person who created this decoration.
To make a bracelet quite simple. For this you will need yarn or bright ribbons of these colors:

- red;
- blue;
- green.
Each color has a special meaning. Red scandinavians showed how much the person wants to achieve the performance of their cherished dreams. The blue color in the weaving called gods, that they should maybe help the one who asks about wish fulfillment. Green floss or tape meant wealth, and in ways that bear his.
To weave, amulets and bracelets on luck, you need to prepare. Any knitting is better to call on the growing Moon or full moon. This bracelet will give you the necessary energy.
For weaving it is necessary to prepare the room. The room should be well ventilated. If possible, it is better to create an amulet with his hands in the fresh air. So guardian on the luck to absorb in itself the power of the air and the ground.
The springs need to link in the form of pigtails, alternately twisting among themselves. Pigtail is a need to combine the clasp. It is better if it will be copper or silver. These metals have a special energy, which will be focused on how the wealth came into the house.
Better the dressing is the jewel on the hand, and on the ankle. Then the bracelet will be closer to the ground — it is able to absorb her infinite power and be constantly charged.
Bracelets, bring good luck, it is worth it to place it on the left half of the body — the way they can affect the energy centers of man.
Charge the talisman, made with his own hands, it is necessary during the process of creating a think about how it will change the life of a person. You need to weave only with positive thoughts, it's not worth it to keep harping on the failures and sorrows at this time. It can be a positive effect on the subject.
Amulets, which were woven on luck, it's not worth it to take off of the legs. With him it is necessary to be constantly in touch. This will allow him to connect with the aura of the host. When the bracelet tear or lose, it will mean only one thing — it began to perform its function. Soon after breaking or losing things should follow a successful event.
Choose a mascot for good luck in work
Many people want to be successful in a certain area of life. Part of the people who actively do business, so try to pick up the amulet, focusing only on happiness at work. To talisman to attract money, you will not need many materials.
- Big coins. It is better that it was foreign and new. Than nice coins, the stronger will be her effect.
- A piece of cloth. It is better to try to collect natural materials — cotton and flax. Are better omitted energy flows, so that their work will be more effective.
You need to sew of the cloth sleeve in which to be able to fit the selected coins. The Flash pouch you need threads of red or green color. Red is associated with success, and green — with a wealth of.
To amulets, brings good luck and wealth, were more effective, it is necessary to embroider on the bags of characters. It may be celtic runes. The combination of them, placed on the pouch with the coins, it can enhance the energy flows of a person by his more than successful and hardworking.
If placed on the substance of the special sign — it will strengthen the sixth sense. It is very useful for those people who lead interviews and supervise the course of the currency. Intuition can help them in time to take the necessary decisions.
There are special runes brings a wealth of sign. If embroidered on the fabric, can achieve a stable financial situation, after which multiply your capital.
It is possible to recharge the account, to alert the rest. It is important to note that the greater the nominal value of the postage stamps, the greater wealth and happiness can draw on yourself.
It is worth to take into account that the more energy they have the money, which gets the owner at the time of the good deals. In particular, happiness considered as dedicated to the money. Bill is to be put on the windowsill, when it falls moonlight. In this moment it is necessary to have a sincere desire to grow wealth.

Draw sign of good Luck
If a person does not have the option of long involved in the production of the mascot, you can do a very simple amulet from the make-shift materials. The easiest option — the production of guardiana from the cardboard.
For this it is necessary to take the material with high density, to post-construction he served longer. The color of the cardboard is not basic. But there are certain shades, which can draw luck to the person: yellow, gold, brown. It serves as a magnet for good luck.
Draw on the cardboard sign to attract good luck is to be when the clock strikes midnight. This is the optimum period. At midnight the energy flows are modified and updated, so luck should change for the better.
The image, which should be applied to the amulet, made in domestic conditions, is called a Pentagram. Is it a special sign. It will show wheel of Fortune. This image is meant to catch your luck as the bait.
Once the image is complete, it is necessary to enclose it in a circle. It will not allow you happiness from the hands of man. The Symbol should be cut out, trying to move exactly on the border of the circle.
As in the domestic conditions to do this simple talisman-more-powerful and efficient, it is necessary to hold over him during the activation. It is worth it to read through the amulet of words, which can stimulate him to work. It is not any certain magic. It is necessary that the words go from the heart.
After all the action over the cardboard fulfilled, it is necessary to dip it into the melted wax. It's not just the services will hook work, but also will give you the subject of positive energy.