Unfortunately, in today's time financial resources are most necessary for a full life-support.

It's hard to find a person who would like to preserve and increase their savings. An equally important factor is the presence of happiness. In order to attract money and luck into your life, you can use the proven resources.
How to operate the magical talismans?
History of the emergence of money magic dates back to the ancient Slavic culture. In those times whenever a mysterious phenomenon explained by the magical influence of the powers of the gods. There are many characters, each of which there was a patron saint in god's form. Each mascot performs a certain function. Some protect against witchcraft, others helped maintain the family, a third to contribute to achieving creative heights.
Magical talismans to attract money are used and to date. Some of them can be purchased in special shops in final form. But the majority of with ease, are made in domestic conditions. As usual, to create a magical use of the materials on hand means. May serve, thread, paper, coins, natural stones and so on, it is Believed, that, whether effective not the mascot, it will bring more benefit, if a man wearing his, he has faith.
How to make a talisman with your own hands at home?
Creation of a mascot of their own – is not only useful, but also quite fascinating occupation. But it must be remembered that in the process of creating the amulet no one can disturb you. For it is better to choose a quiet and private place. When choosing a mascot it is possible to build on the signs, the ways to use the mascot, and other parameters.

For making money talisman can be used in virtually any material.
The most common include:
- Runes;
- Wax;
- Coins;
- Ouija card;
- Natural stones;
- Herbs;
After that, as the mascot will be ready, it should be recharged. For this there are many possible variants. The essence of this process lies in the formation of the contact between man and his talisman. Most often, in the process of fees to participate in the natural elements: fire, air, water and earth. Respectively, to hold during the activation of the talisman, it is necessary to lower it into the water, the fire, to expose to the action of the wind or bury them in the ground.
After the ceremony, the talisman, begins to act. But no need to not forget the proper care of the thing. You should always keep the mascot in the area. It is unlikely that it will help in the professional success, if you will stay at home. It is possible to show your partner a foreigner. It disrupts its energy supply.
Herbal pouch
In ancient slavic culture were common bags, beer, crowded with stones or herbs. Filling the bushing selected in accordance with the desired result. Herbs always deliver a tangible benefit to man. In addition, it is used to create decoctions, they carried and a deep magical significance. And a bag of cotton or linen, which herbs poured, the locked power inside the talisman. Components for the creation of the talisman would be diverse. But most often mixed the following herbs:
- Cinnamon;
- Ginger;
- The dried leaves of the eucalyptus;
- Pine needles;

The ingredients were used in equal proportions. In the process of falling asleep in the bag, it was necessary to read the plot to attract money and think about the ultimate goal of the ritual. Bag you can further embellish the embroidery. Most often, it portrayed the characters, attracted by the riches and the glory. Tied housing the thread of a green color.
Save the money pouch should in the near the workplace. So it will be the most effective. However this mascot is not eternal in exactly a year, it loses its properties. Therefore, after the expiry of this period the guardian need to burn.
Mouse for my wallet
Figurine of a mouse from ancient times associated with money and luxury. With this beast includes a lot of interesting adopts and customs. It was believed that to see how the mouse pulls something to itself in its burrow – to wealth.
The ancient slavs believed in this sign, and even specially watched holes, hoping to see the rodent. This sign has a completely logical explanation. In the houses of the poor people, the mouse to live, because there them nothing to eat. Rich people always has been, than to freshen up.

The mascot with the image of the mouse for attracting wealth is the popular to date. The small figurines are made of wood, metal or gems. Save the mascot of the best in the wallet. In some cases it is possible to place the figure in your pocket. It is assumed that the mouse is not only attracted by the money funds, but saves you from large expenses or theft. In addition, it contributes to the promotion on the career ladder.
Pouch with turquoises
It is known that natural stone has a mass of useful properties. Each of them works in a certain direction. To the most effective stones, if this is about raising money, covered by turquoise. Not only has the strongest energy, but it is sufficiently attractive decoration.
Turquoise can be used as decorative objects, jewelry. But to attract funds, it is much more effective than a hard pouch with turquoises. You need to find a small piece of turquoise and the laundry bag is blue in color. The stone is placed inside the bag, and read the plot. The measures must be carried out on the growing moon.
Every day you should put in the bag the first coin, and then the big bills. Gradually, the nominal value should increase. So you need to do in the meantime until the bag is full. After the money in the bag, it is necessary to recalculate three times and defer back. Tied a sac thread blue color. Save him to be directly in the workplace, but away from prying eyes.
Black pepper
If planning an event at which to solve a financial problem, then it will help the guardian of the black pepper. To these important events can be attributed to the draw of the lottery ticket, discussion, large transactions and so on For the creation of the mascot need to write on a clean sheet of paper the amount which, in consequence, should be directed to you. Then it is necessary to bend the sheet three times and put in a small container, which is pre-fed should the lunar energy.

Then it is necessary to add to the content of the black pepper, close the lid and remove to a secret location. Before an important event it is necessary to shake the mascot on the left arm, you are thinking about obtaining a profit.
The mascot of the thread
Very often for the production of cash magic use common thread. Possible variations on this theme are countless. The most common include a lanyard for neck or bracelet on the wrist. As a base material are used different colored threads.
The ancient slavs believed that the most magical events have a woolen or cotton thread. Thanks to its thickness, the great interest enjoyed wool.
For the creation of money cords are necessary three colors of thread – green, red and blue. The blue color symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, green – increase the financial income, red – protects the holder of the bracelet of the possible risks. All three threads need to bind with each other pigtail. In some cases, gathered lace, tied at the ends and used in this form. But more often the ends connect between themselves, cutting out all the unnecessary. The finished bracelet worn on the left wrist or left ankle
From the thread you can equip up to and mascot. In people it is called cash ball. It is necessary to take on any banknote or coin, and also a ball of woolen yarn. Furthermore, it is necessary to tie a bill or a coin strictly in the middle a few times. Tip the cord is to be carefully secured. Of the most successful colors is considered to be red and green. This amulet promotes the conservation and enhancement of the cash. Together with him to worry and impact damage.