Imperial amulet – this is a popular guardian, action and power which, according to esoteriků has a numbing effect. However, the actual reviews of the buyers is not always so colorful. If a person properly uses the amulet, really believe in performed rituals, he is sure to see an improvement in your life. And there is no fraud, because the interaction with the amulet – it's, including, the method of anger management and the strengthening of faith in yourself. How it all looks? And what is equally important, as to get the authentic Imperial amulet? We will try to answer these questions and give recommendations that will help you benefit from this unique gizmos the maximum benefit, not too deep, so the mystique and "magic".

How was the mascot of the Imperial amulet?
History of the origin of the amulet goes to a distant 1689 year, when the empire ruled with Peter I According to some sources, then the young king prayed in the monastery. He feared the betrayal of her sister Sofia. One of the ministers linked the problem to Peter and he made the amulet. For this, he took the coin, all night he prayed, and in the morning gave the administrators. Your gift of service, together with the words: "From this day on, you are invincible, happiness will not budge, and wealth has no end! I wish it's with you Lord!". According to historical references, the conspirators were defeated, and Sofia found herself under the strict supervision of one of the female monasteries. Peter is known throughout the world as the great king of the empire, made a huge contribution to the economic development of the country, set the political relations with many states. For each of the members of the Romanov dynasty was their nominal amulet, named imperial. As pendants on them were the servants of the monastery. After the arrival of bolsheviks to the power of the monks, and deacons are forced to flee, so the secret of the production of the mascot was lost. Now, however, the prayer by which the coins loaded the necessary energy, recover, and get it may not only the descendants of the Romanov family, but also all the other people.
How is supplied with power imperial amulet?
For the production of a mascot necessarily need the coins to the time of Peter I. On the way, as more money must be clean and free of any debris. They spoke to a monk on the happiness and well-being, and attached to the name of a specific person. The basis for the production of miracle products referred to the power of prayer and the experience of the ancestors.
Who needs the amulet
Most often, a coin can be used in the following cases:
- the urgent need to urgently raise cash proceeds (the owners of the mascot to forget about what's needed);
- the emergence of competition led to a decline in their own affairs, appeared a fault in the business;
- out of unexpected trouble related to money, and they are repeated with a certain frequency;
- frequent cases of disease, decline of forces, the reduction of working performance.
No problems with money, which appeared in the result of actions of the "evil tongues" and the magical forces of the imperial amulet solves with ease. Instead of worrying, try to handle it yourself or with the help of wizards-charlatans, just purchase a talisman, charged with prayer. All the problems will disappear by themselves!
The principle of
The imperial coin is designed to be attracted to my owner, positive energy, material wealth, happiness, success. The constant wearing of an amulet supports:
- career growth;
- an increase in wages;
- return of debts;
- unexpected getting money (lottery win, inheritance, etc.);
- business prosperity;
- a positive outcome of all deposits.
Gradually is a man, carrying with him the amulet, is becoming more confident in their own abilities, as well, which means more meaningful reaching goals and defends the interests of. In addition, in the life unexpectedly appear attractive deals and prospects, dating and communication with interesting people, which may lead to an increase in revenue. Not in vain is said that success comes to those who "got away"! Talisman attracts a variety of features that cannot be used! The positive changes in physical assets lead to the creation of a pleasant atmosphere in the home, balance, and harmony in family relations.
How to make an amulet (composition)
The plot on the coin done by a specially trained operator of a monastery or a mage. Of course, that it is worth it to turn only to the best people, to which were their familiar, so how to spend the money unnecessarily and not getting the result he doesn't want even one person. Firstly, it is necessary to carefully examine the reviews from those who have already ordered various amulets and talismans. If it is positive, then it is possible to make the decision and buy a miracle cure for yourself. One of the disadvantages in the acquisition of such a medallion in the specialists is a long wait. This is due to the fact that in the day, produces and speaks no more than five coins, and it allows you to guarantee the quality of the product. It is possible to go the other way, and not to order an amulet from an expert, and try to do it yourself. To do this you need:
- Find a coin, minted during the reign of Peter the Great. Of course, do it yourself is almost impossible, but that would be the ideal choice. Exchange significantly reduce the impact of the amulet. Will suit all pre-revolutionary coins. Borrow money of unknown origin, it is not clear where and when they are issued, not worth it, because their influence can be negative.
- Talk to the mascot, career growth should be up on Sunday, the day of the Sun. If there is a need in money, then cook the amulet better in the middle. Is it time suitable for holding rituals and magical things.
- Create a pleasant atmosphere, necessary for creativity. This can include pleasant hearing the music, light scented candles, drift away and meditate. It is necessary to tune to positive thoughts, prosperity, hand over that amulet. Concentration should be on the person who prepares the mascot.
- If it is a magical decoration will be worn on the neck or wrist, then make a hole. Thread to the red thread and twice Phillips tie his coin.
- When the moon is full, leave it on the windowsill, putting on the red flap of tissue, so that it was dyed the light from the window. In the most high forces need to sincerely ask for the prosperity and well-being of those to whom it is intended the amulet.
- Before going to bed owner puts the coin under the pillow to connect the two energy: private and magical. In this way, activating miraculous means. Without this ritual to work, it will not. If it is a gift for someone, then sleep together with the mascot you don't need.
Guarantee that the self-made medallion will act, no. Try it, and it will work or not — the experience in practice. But if confidence is needed in the event of the coin, then it is better to order her produce by professionals.

How to properly apply
There are a number of indications, adherence to which will ensure you get the most quality and fast result:
- The narration of available special funds, which are not worth it. To know about it, no one must, because others may envy and jinx, to stop the traffic. Share the news you can only with a person who wants to do good. In this case you have to answer him the same.
- It is prohibited to give or give their own mascot. This leads to the loss of magical powers. After that, he is not able to help, and even if he comes back.
- This subject is purely personal, give it to someone hold, you cannot, as the foreign energy may negatively act on it.
- Treat the coin it is necessary with due respect, lean.
- Store in clean and dry place.
- The Amulet is passed down. For this it is necessary to expose its special processing, for which it is possible to turn on a special someone: do it yourself, it is impossible.
- Constantly wear on yourself so that no one saw.
- Once every one to two weeks feed his: he holds in his hand, thinking about something good, positive, about how the amulet helps you.
True, or divorce?
Wife often told me that friends become more successful and richer after becoming the happy owner of a small miracle, which attracted not only money, but also happiness. Then I couldn't believe that talisman is such a great help. Thought it was a rod scam, the distribution of people's money who are trying to enrich themselves at the expense of other people. A woman secretly carried out the order of the amulets of the imperial type for all members of the family: myself, me, son, daughter. The Amulet is made from royal coin and is made to order, so alone make it fail. Wife long thought, but still bought the amulets for all members of our family, even if they were thoughts about scam. Money were taken from the stocks. He was afraid that money just lost amulets does not work.
Where to buy (price)
Then buy the imperial amulets was very difficult. The Internet was the trick. For some well-known, then it already has access to the global network. So through connections managed to get On-line and get off at the manufacturer of Amulets. Through the producer was decorated with the order, the transaction was successful. The manufacturer mailed the goods, as befits. So that buy such a talisman, is quite real!
What to expect from the amulet?
In today's time someone adjusts to living in spartan conditions, refusing to take in everything else – from morning until night injected in the work, and then two, to get a more-less acceptable living standards. Well, and there is a category of people, for which there is and all there is. They can travel the world, relax in the best hotels, buy expensive cars. And here I really wanted to be in this category, you just can't imagine! Remained one thing – to believe in the amulet, and that after performing the ritual on the happiness and prosperity of this imperial coins, rivers of happiness and well-being, which now begin to flow in my direction, it will bring me as good:
- an interesting paid job;
- I could win a large sum in a lottery or any shares;
- happiness from now on will be everywhere to accompany me, even the most imperceptible situations;
- my welfare start to grow;
- criticism and failure will start bypassing me aside.
How to wear this talisman?
To the amulet worked, it is necessary to follow some rules. Now I will talk more about them:
- coins should be awarded only in the agreed time, and the reign of Peter the First, until the revolution – check it out, of course, is very difficult, so my advice is – do not buy the amulet on the website of the manufacturer;
- coins should be derived only honest way – the same council;
- the amulet can not be anyone else to see him and touch him on non-participating people, that it must be tucked away from the curious looks – I've always carried it in my purse in the inner pocket;
- carry the amulet is only possible by inheritance;
- from time to time the amulet needs energy nutrition, you need to hold it in your hands, turn to him for help or advice – I usually spend this ritual in the evening, approximately once a week (for myself so decided).
Only by adhering to these rules allows you to control the power of the amulet in the right direction, which brings good luck, wealth and protection. Tested on my own skin! By the way, before you decide to purchase, I'm honored, talking about the imperial amulet on the Internet. Here, for example, what they say of the famous spiritual: "I don't like the advice, because I myself is not fair. The correct way you to me likely that they will be able to bring. But I can tell you that from life it is necessary to take everything to the maximum. For some, it all adds up, and I can't get out of the swamp. But now I know that I have everything will be perfect, because I bought the imperial amulet and already felt his power." In general, a c-amulet reviews occur basically good.